
Do you even play this game?

Do you even play this game?

That row of  www.euwowgold.com talents is completely overpowered in every conceivable way in a raid environment. Even with a cast time, and no other changes, they are still completely OP until something is done about the lack of target cap and interaction with absorbs. It has been breaking the game since 5.4 went live.


ALL World Of Warcraft accounts

From 1:22 in the video: "Once you've earned your Hearthsteed, you WILL HAVE ACCESS to it on ANY and ALL World Of Warcraft accounts on your battlenet account."
The video evidence on Blizzard's own webpage should be more than enough to allow starter editions to be able to obtain this mount. Does anyone else agree? 


Can we have our shapeshift form on an wow gold guide

Can we have our shapeshift form on an other global cooldown (like warrior stance) ?
wow gold guide
Can we have Thorn back ( I want to see it as Gardian =D )?

Can we have bonus armor granted by Gardian spec when we are not in Bear Form (just have Bear Form gives a little more more armor like in other spec) ?

Do Gardian can keep Rage when out of Bear form (maybe reset it in cat form) ?

What will be Gardian Mastery in WoD?

What spell will be cut out of druid table?


Maintenance extended until 1 p.m. PST

Today's maintenance has been extended for WoW, Diablo 3, and Hearthstone. Realms are now scheduled to be up at 1 p.m. PST. The PTR is still up if you really need your WoW fix.wow gold farming

We'll update this post if it gets extended again.


How do you view your followers?

reatmother Geyah is a total name-dropper. Every time I run into her, she asks how her son is doing, and just has to point out that she's talking about Durotan, just in case I wasn't aware that she was the mother of the Frostwolf chieftain. Meanwhile, Phylarch the Evergreen is some sort of meditative genius, as he spends a lot of his time sitting in midair, when he isn't making my other followers cry. Botani, right? Meanwhile, I'm not sure about Aeda Brightdawn, because despite her name she's a warlock and free wow gold she's taken to speaking in demonic when she thinks I'm not paying attention.

I tend to think of my followers like people, because the AI for them is pretty good -- they notice when I walk by, they'll make a comment in my direction every now and again, and they even talk to each other, sometimes with disastrous results. Milhouse Manastorm spends a lot of his time laughing at my peons and making them feel bad, for example. It's interesting because it's so lively, but it's also interesting because I've noticed other people doing the same thing -- they'll send certain followers on missions together because, in their heads, those two followers totally belong together. They'd hit it off. They'd be best friends.

This humanizing of what is essentially a decent AI system and a bit of random dialogue is kind of fascinating to me. I like making up stories, I like writing stories, so making up personalities and stories in my head is pretty much right up my alley. I'm kind of delighted to see that I'm not the only one that does so -- and I'm also curious, just how widespread is this habit? Do you guys view your followers with different personalities? Do you make up stories for them? Do you treat them any differently for how they act in your garrison? Do you tend to group the same followers together? Or are they all just mechanical minions to be sent out at your whim?


Why are they removing threat

Why are they removing threat reduction abilities like Soulshatter.

that hardly buy cheap wow gold counts as something people don't use, in fact it's am important talent for both dungeons and raids to help avoid drawing too much threat

Also there are rumors that they are removing Grimoire of Sacrifice which is a talent that many warlock use and enjoy having, what are the reasons for getting rid of it?


Item squish was not discussed properly

Item squish was not discussed properly in any of the interviews. The one and only quote buying wow gold safe relating to the methodology is outright incorrect. i.e. "The same thing, just chopping off some zeros"

If that were the methodology, I would have absolutely no issue with it. The reality is that the current relatively exponential power curve will become linear. This can have a huge effect on the game, and since I can only assume the player testing has been focused on 90 - 100 gameplay, the true effects of this have yet to be seen by the players.


Breakfast Topic: 2014 ends

It's the end of the year as we know it and I feel fine.

2014 was a year with a lot of big changes for World of Warcraft - Warlords debuted in November of this year, after all - but also, it's the year which saw Siege of Orgrimmar last a very long time, and Mists of Pandaria outstay its welcome for a lot of players. But again, it's also the year that WoW got over ten million subs again, sell Wow Gold with one of the most successful expansion launches in the game's history. So a lot of ups and downs for World of Warcraft this 10th anniversary.

Since this is the last day of 2014, how better to celebrate than to look forward to 2015? What are your goals, your expectations, your predictions for this year in WoW? Go nuts, the comments await you.


Is that right? why don't you check my profile

Is that right? why don't you check my profile. I was running to 40 as well. Even rode ground mounts in BC and Wrath of the lich king. I'm not saying give of flying soon as we touch the new expansion I'm saying its petty to take it out until cheap Wow Gold eu further notice. Like you said you had to run everywhere back in Vanilla until 40 and had to run until 40 in bc up until they implemented lvl 30 mounts. And making them cost nearly nothing. But atlas people barely care about quest even now more then ever because oh.. Wait for it... Dungeon finder. And wait again for it. Feeling disconnect from the rest of the players so they sit in queues in Shrine or SW or Dalaran or Iron forge. don't give me this don't complain unless you had to walk until level 40 garbage. Back then there was no dungeon find and back then if there was this issue would have gotten out of hand long before 3 expansions later.. And back then you had global channels that anyone had access to to allow them to quest and still lfg and still put together groups. Not to mention the lack of group questing in MoP til you reached max level.