I am editing because I just read this. If this is the case and it will involve any form of PvP being forced on me in order to obtain it, then I will vote with my wallet long before the xpac even drops. I am sick of having to choose to either do an activity i both despise and suck at to have something or to be behind everyone else because I don't want to do it.euwowgold.com
And before anyone says "suck it up buttercup" or some such drival. It's my wallet and my choice whether or not I want to be forced into an activity I do not want to do. I didn't roll on a PvP server for a reason.
I can't agree more with this guy
I can't agree more with this guy.
You are catering only to such a miniscule population with this new system that you are alienating even a chunk of top tier players with this.
Prestige rewards are already impossible for most of the playerbase to get in PvP: You're killing any reason for anybody who isn't a 2200+ caliber player to even bother trying to improve themselves at all now.
Look back to BC and how many Gladiator spots were going out then.
Look at your current Challenge Mode set ups.
THAT is what should be happening. Not this crap.
You are catering only to such a miniscule population with this new system that you are alienating even a chunk of top tier players with this.
Prestige rewards are already impossible for most of the playerbase to get in PvP: You're killing any reason for anybody who isn't a 2200+ caliber player to even bother trying to improve themselves at all now.
Look back to BC and how many Gladiator spots were going out then.
Look at your current Challenge Mode set ups.
THAT is what should be happening. Not this crap.
Look setting up an armor set that does lifesteal
Look setting up an armor set that does lifesteal or Multi-strike will have balance consequences both for PvE (my primary concern) and PvP. There is no way pushing out that infiinte variety will not end up with an 'Optimal' Set (not just BiS but designed optimal. Entirely Different Concept) and that 'Optimal' Set will become a requirement and those who dont have that and are cursed by RNG gods to not get it will eventually get sat. wow gold guide
just because I want to see how far it goes
I'm at the point where I'm going to start confirming their conspiracy theories just because I want to see how far it goes.
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I run OpenRaid and it's actually a front organization meant to keep horde from winning battlegronuds, tell no one (tell everyone)
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I run OpenRaid and it's actually a front organization meant to keep horde from winning battlegronuds, tell no one (tell everyone)
Please make it so dismiss pet has it shorter
Please make it so dismiss pet has it shorter cast time again in PvE, and make it so pet buffs aren't removed when a pet despawns or is dismissed, since both of these "nerfs" were buy cheap wow gold implemented for pvp balance. It's pretty annoying on siegecrafter where our three hunters need to rotate attack speed buffs because they are removed on each conveyor.
Thanks to you as well
Thanks to you as well, Watcher, for clearing things up. I wish more was done closer to Blizzcon to explain so.
Letting people stew in their ignorance until they come up with wrong answers as "fact" is just typical Blizz, tho.
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Wish you guys would do something more about that. =/
Letting people stew in their ignorance until they come up with wrong answers as "fact" is just typical Blizz, tho.
free wow gold
Wish you guys would do something more about that. =/
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