The first change happened within 48 hours of the patch going live. If we think there's a problem we'll take steps to address it.
But I'm not comfortable comparing this to 5.0 reps or the legendary questline. First, the changes made to them were mostly for very different reasons. The way so many reward systems tied together in 5.0 reps made it more difficult to address by applying a hotfix or two.Wow Gold It required patches. And the primary changes to the legendary questline have been calculated and gradual, to allow players an opportunity to catch up without having to repeatedly run content for which it's increasingly difficult to find groups, while also not trivializing the overall effort needed to complete the chain now.
You seem to be implying we should take a "nerf first, think about the implications later" approach. That's not good for the game or the community. If we make any mistakes in the process, it becomes a lot harder to take something away from players, and we want to avoid repeatedly swinging the pendulum to opposite extremes in that regard.
Ultimately, a lot of this feedback ends up World of Warcraft Gold being a little shorthand, not that it's being discounted entirely. But there's a sense of, “There’s a thing I want and I don’t have it yet; fix it so I have it now,” going around. Shaohao rep definitely has a grind attached to it, but as other players will happily point out, there are a lot of other repeatable, random, and other mechanisms and systems at play that make the Isle as a whole very rewarding. If we gated all the good stuff behind the rep, that’d be a more serious concern, but it isn’t. The rep is just one progression among many parallel ones.