
Warcraft is about gear

:D, I love you! You are right! That's the other issue as well. Gear. I totally agree. I would slaughter a healer that had lower gear score than me, or less experience, but in turn that would happens to me. As you fondly put it, Gears of Warcraft is about gear,best wow gold and not about skill. If we were not talking about random DPS and random healer in this conversation I wouldn't make this argument at all. Blizz may want too look into everyone having the same gear level when you enter a battleground? But, that take the grind away, and people would stop playing in a couple of week, stop playing PvP because they wouldn't grind for gear, or just stop playing PvP because it is harder to kill noobs. There's no easy answer for this.

I just started playing again this week after a two year break.

