
A DK hits you with a 5K Necro Strike with a 25K absorb

A DK hits you with a 5K Necro Strike with a 25K absorb.
Dampening reduces the absorb by 10%. The attack now only absorbs 22.5k, a total of 27.5k
You cast a flash heal that heals for 30k. Dampening reduces it by 10%.
You gain 27k health back. You are missing 500 health.
Wow Gold
Necrotick strike's damage comes from it's heal absorb. The ability itself isn't hard hitting, it's the stacking absorb effect that makes it a strong move. To nerf the absorb would be a direct damage nerf to DK's. We aren't getting any stronger from this, blizzard simply made the realization that nerfing the absorb wasn't necessary.

Again, I repeat, this is not a buff to DKs. Blizzard had a brain fart, realized their error, and corrected it. DK's are no more a threat to you now than they were.

