
until things are balanced out

I feel that some of the nerfs Blizz has stated were justified, but are being carried out the wrong way. gold wow Along with the 12% damage nerf to almost all of our spells, which will probably once again put locks below par in PvE DPS, I'm probably shelving my lock until things are balanced out, both in the game and in the Devs' heads.


for reducing holiday annoyance

Basically, we can have back addons that automatically remove turkey feathers or bat costumes etc again. They provide no combat/arena benefit but are sure helpful for reducing holiday annoyance.cheap wow gold I'm sure you all missed those addons this past holloween.

What we still cannot have, addons that auto cancel tree form if they detect a warlock channeling banish. blizzard wants the PLAYER to do this using human reaction, not addons half an ms reaction.


has specifically come here to post about in multitude

This may sound silly, but I have to say (and I think others share this same view) that sometimes it's really hard to believe that you guys are taking a look our issues. Not just the smaller ones, but certain things that the forum community has specifically come here to post about in multitude.

I know, some of the buy wow gold things we say are controversial to the business, but sometimes we just need some kind of official word to calm down the masses.

For instance, the Healer forums have been on fire with Shaman issues for a while, but there's yet to be any words of clarification. Also, these General Discussion forums are filled with players who have legitimate concerns about the direction this game is going, and some feel that their only choice is to quit (hence the "I'm quitting" threads).


Woah there! Hold your horses

Woah there! Hold your horses (or talbuks, as the case may be).

While not exactly a bug (the opposite, actually), this change to the White War Talbuk wasn't intentional.euwowgold The current plan is to revert the White War Talbuk to its original, shiny blue hoof and horned state at the earliest opportunity.


tanks being used at a variety of levels

On the third point, we just don’t see this issue at level 85. All four of the tank classes seem to be performing well in both 5-player dungeons and in raids. We see all four tanks being used at a variety of levels. We just disagree that the difference is that obvious. Savage Defense might make bears take more damage on AE pulls in 5-player dungeons than other tanks, but we don’t think AE threat generation is a problem (again when in reference to max level). Bears don’t have an ability that mimics Shield Slam as a very hard-hitting ability that can help establish initial buy wow gold threat, but that is more of a raiding problem in encounters with frequent spawning adds and not really an issue with Swipe or Thrash.

All of this said, and as we've mentioned before, we are keeping a close eye both on what is being said on the forums and what is happening in the game. We take in a lot of information from a variety of sources and keep it in mind for changes we make or changes we put into consideration. We're not blind to concerns that are being expressed, but sometimes we just don't agree with all of them and are seeing something different on our end. Sometimes we agree with the concerns and just haven’t figured out yet how we want to resolve the problem.


that do not resort to min-maxing

Well my whole point is that min-maxing should not be supported. Every encounter in World of Warcraft can be completed without min-maxing. That is why I call it abusing the system. Because a raid or guild is able to complete all raids just by dual-specs.buy wow gold I am not saying that min-maxing should be banned, but it should not be supported, and there should be an unofficial price to pay for it, which is time. I know many raiding guilds that do not resort to min-maxing.

Even if min-maxing is exercised throughout the community, it doesn't mean that specs were meant to be changed on a regular basis. The reason why a player can change his/or her spec is when the player felt they made a mistake. Therefore they must pay gold and time to redo their talent.

You shouldn't call the system flawed, and by all means its the player that is the problem, not the system. Tri-specs and challenging the system is not the answer.

The only argument to support tri-spec is convenience, but that is the least important priority. Other values that are important such as choice, diversity, and lore are all more important than convenience.


adding it to xperls tank window?

you mean like a lib that one of your addons is compatible with but doesn't load itself (thus doesn't register) Wow Gold Or say something like Xperl accepting a message from ora/CTRA and recognizing the event and adding it to xperls tank window? i can see where things like that would also be a problem.


Halls of Origination wasn't such a sprawling

This wouldn't really be an issue if Halls of Origination wasn't such a sprawling, time-wasting mess of a dungeon.

It sure was fun the first time, but it should really be broken into 2 instances. It takes twice as long as euwowgold any other heroic to do completely, and for people who are there for the VP, that's a kick in the pants every time it comes up.

However, the OP really needs to grasp the idea that he is one out of the five members of a group. If he's going to ask that we understand his point of view, maybe he should consider the points of view of the other 4 members of his party, who don't want to waste time on bosses that have no rewards for them.

Honestly, if they just put gems on the JP vendor, this problem would probably be solved. The current trade goods from JP are way too expensive for what you get, especially the herbs.


gold and reputation went?

WTS lvl 25 Guild. Will transfer to your server. 5 bank tabs filled with raid mats, herbs, ores, leatehrs and epics. 200,000 Gold.

Anyone else see problems with this? By providing this service, Blizzard is giving the go ahead to GMs to www.euwowgold.com just disappear on an entire guild. Combine this with a name change (for the character and the guild) and how will the old guild even know where all their hard earned items, gold and reputation went?

Your GM decides he is tired of playing or just wants to play with friends on another server, what rights do you have to stop it? Will there be an announcement requirement? A vote from senior guild members? Or is it just going back to the "The GM owns the guild and everything in it, and the other members have no rights." mentality?


that's pretty cool and really unexpected!

Wow, that's pretty cool and really unexpected! Though, as some people are already saying, I have a hard time seeing how some warlock demons could actually have both a male and female www.euwowgold.com version; the felhunter, voidwalker and imp in particular.

Still, thanks for letting us in on that, Z!