
Halls of Origination wasn't such a sprawling

This wouldn't really be an issue if Halls of Origination wasn't such a sprawling, time-wasting mess of a dungeon.

It sure was fun the first time, but it should really be broken into 2 instances. It takes twice as long as euwowgold any other heroic to do completely, and for people who are there for the VP, that's a kick in the pants every time it comes up.

However, the OP really needs to grasp the idea that he is one out of the five members of a group. If he's going to ask that we understand his point of view, maybe he should consider the points of view of the other 4 members of his party, who don't want to waste time on bosses that have no rewards for them.

Honestly, if they just put gems on the JP vendor, this problem would probably be solved. The current trade goods from JP are way too expensive for what you get, especially the herbs.

